watching the wildlife in Itatiaia Nat Park-Brazil

watching the wildlife in Itatiaia Nat Park-Brazil
recording the wildlife in Itatiaia Nat Park-Brazil

domingo, 4 de novembro de 2012

Some birding places and its checklists

          Here are some lists of birds seen in cities we visited.
One purpose of this relationship is to provide the student lists of ornithology and bird watcher the chance to know the species that can be found in the respective places.
All lists are preliminary and cumulative, ie not relate all the birds of the place, but certainly have a large number of species that can be sighted by the observer or birdwatcher.
The observation and survey of the birds were made by Antonio Silveira, using binoculars, with aid also recorders, camcorders and bibliography. (by Antonio Silveira)

See ours check lists in theses States

Alagoas ]     [ Amazonas ]     [ Bahia ]     [ Mato Grosso ]
Mato Grosso do Sul ]     [ Minas Gerais ] Pará ] [ Paraná ]
Rio Grande do Sul ]     [ Santa Catarina ]     [ São Paulo ]
Visit this places in  

© Copyright 1999 / 2012 – Programa Ambiental: A Última Arca de Noé
Conteudo: Antonio Silveira R. dos Santos
Reprodução proibida sem prévia autorização expressa
Todos os direitos reservados.

     See here some informations photos and videos about the rich avifauna of Brasil where there are 1.832 species according Brazilian Ornithological Registers Comitee (CBRO-Comitê Brasileiro de Registros Ornitoló
     We intend to provide here birders the opportunity to learn aboutour birds and to know the best places to observe them.
    Moreover the birding is very important to development of environmental education and tourim.

by Antonio Silveira.
Creator of: Environmental Program: The Last Noah´s Ark

(more informations about the theme see in )

Columba palumbus

Columba palumbus-Kensington Garden-London-UK-14-9-2012-Antonio Silveira